Fort Gorges Status Update
Fort Gorges has been in the news a lot this past year, and we’ve fielded inquiries and comments from lots of folks looking for updates. The Army Corps of Engineers has been hard at work over the summer and through the fall making improvements and repairs to the structure. Fortunately, the fort remained open except for a few a few days. Safety was the primary focus of this summer’s work, as the Army Corps took steps to prevent further deterioration to the vaulted bricks from weight and water and added new railings and gates. The new lookout area on the north side is a great addition!
The City of Portland has assured the public that the fort will remain open to visitors once work is complete this winter. We’re looking forward to continuing our daily tours of the fort next summer. If you’re interested in learning more about the Fort Preservation Project visit this page on the City’s website, and also consider supporting the Friends of Fort Gorges.